Tuesday, November 18, 2014

asking art: 10 questions

When looking at and talking about art, there isn't a right or wrong way to ask questions. However, I have a nice list (that I grabbed from the MCA) which could be helpful when you are questioning art at home or while visiting art centers/museums/galleries.

  1. What do you see?
  2. What do you notice?
  3. How is this made?
  4. How would you describe this to a friend on the phone?
  5. Be an actor/dancer/musician. How could you play this piece?
  6. When and where does this belong?
  7. What does this start to symbolize to you?
  8. Why on earth would somebody make this?
  9. How could this connect to an experience you have had?
  10. What would happen if we __________________?

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