Friday, January 15, 2016

Self Portraits

Since coming back to school in January, both third and fourth graders are working on different projects surrounding self portraits. Third graders are working on one large, to-scale self portrait which will be broken up into three pieces and completed with different materials. Fourth graders are working on a series of eight self portraits that encompass varied styles, techniques, and materials. Here are some third graders working from this week!


AHHHH where did the blog go? We have been busy!

In December, we completed our first round of ceramic work. All of my time was taken loading, unloading, firing, glazing, and installing the gorgeous work from third and fourth graders. Here are some pictures of progress and completed work! What a success!
Third graders used oil pastels for their Marisol-inspired cardboard figure sculptures

Third Graders
Sophia (4th) with her aluminum gesture sculpture

 Jack (4th) with his aluminum gesture sculpture

 Lizzy (4th) with her aluminum gesture sculpture
 Cheresa's 4th grade clay
Nate's 4th grade clay

Ailani's 4th grade clay

Lee's Marisol-inspired Cardboard/Clay figure

 Christina's Marisol-inspired Cardboard/Clay figure
Chris's Clay mask/face