Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ms. Beaulieu's Art Adventures

This summer, I was able to do some art making and playing of my own! I wanted to share what I have been up to this summer!
Swimming in the Lake. Lots and lots of swimming!

Visiting the Fine Arts Museum's Nubian Exhibition in Boston!

Learning how to do copper etching at Oxbow Arts Camp!

A series of my copper-etched prints!

More printing at Oxbow!

I learned all about acid!

At the Constructing Modern Knowledge Institute learning how to make simple circuits with makey-makey and sticker LEDs. 

Was THRILLED to see a Shantell Martin in person at MIT!

Our final project at CMK was an interactive music and visual conceptual art installation. It was pretty amazing!

At an UIC Afrofurturistic Arts Show here in Chicago

On Beaver Island with my family!
Another print from Oxbow!

My son, who has been doing a lot of art this summer but mostly on himself!

At the Gordon Parks Show at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Happy August!

Hi Everyone! I hope each and everyone of you is having a fantastic summer! Now that I am done traveling, I was hoping to get together for a museum morning! I will send out an email, but we will be meeting next week,  Wednesday August 12th at 10:30-12:30. The survey for the sign up  is here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FBRDMFM and ticket information for the Art Institute of Chicago is here: https://sales.artic.edu/admissions

Missing all of you!